Monday, November 24, 2008

Standard of Review

Reviewing instructional DVD's or books objectively is challenging because the skill level of the writer may be different than the skill level of the reader. With that in mind, I review these DVD's with my skill level in mind - as such, it will be a subjective review. However, I will compare the DVD sets with each other which would be somewhat of an objective review.

Further, I will go through several stages of review including:
1. Initial Impression upon watching
2. Drilling with a partner
3. Application in sparring

I will continously rethink my previous scores as I become more familiar with the techniques. This process will take time.

I will also assign a total score from 0-100% based on:
1. Effectiveness of the techniques
2. Presentation
3. Value

I will try to describe and review the techniques individually and categorize them as such:
1. Bread and Butter Technique
2. Situational but effective
3. Cool but Wishful Thinking
4. Inadequately described
5. Useless

The final review score should look like this:
100% - Perfect and a must have
90-99% - Excellent
80-89% - Very Good
70-79% - Good
60-69% - Ok
50-59% - Sub Standard
40-49% - Bad
30-39% - Horrible
0-30% - The Worst Jerry - the Worst...

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