Monday, November 24, 2008

Saulo Ribeiro - Jiu-Jitsu University Book Review - Score: 100%

Review: This is now one of my favorite BJJ books. Not only does it have an arsenal on great techniques, Saulo also shares some of his philosophies which are fun to read. It is also a great problem solving manual. If you need help with a certain position or you need a defense to something, the book does a great job of suggesting some approaches for you. You can always find an idea for almost everything that you encounter. It gives you techniques to which you can develop a game around. As a problem solving book this is invaluable! If you sometimes teach classes, it also makes a great book because you can just pick a position and start showing osme of the techniques in an organized fashion. As we progress in BJJ we learn so many techniques but sometimes I do such a poor job of remembering them. It is nice to have a comprehensive book where you can find many things that you have learned in class. If you arent good about keeping a BJJ journal - then this book is for you. I think I have learned just about every technique in the book once at least but it is nice that Saulo wrote a journal for me (plus you can be sure that the way he teaches it, is correct).

I highly recommend this good as it is probably my favorite BJJ book of all time.

Score: 100%

1 comment:

Josh Kerty said...

This is the Bible of BJJ.

I own hundreds of DVDs and books related to grappling and this is the single best resource I own for pure BJJ instruction.

Best $30 I ever spend.

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